search foroílook foròa?à?ü£?óD?°?òμ?òa£?μ÷1y3ì£?μ?ê°?1óDò?“ì÷£?ìó”μ?òa?£look for “?°?ò”2?μò?aê§μ÷£1óD?òμ?£?′|?ú?°?òμ?1y3ì?D£?àyè?£oWhat are you looking for? ?ú?òê2?′£?I'm looking for my master. ?ò?ú?ò?òμ?ê|?μ?£
They're searching the jungle for the spy. ?ú′?áD2éμy?£
You can use a directory service to search for people on the Internet.
NASA has started a 10-year search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
They are each anxious to maintain the momentum of the search for a solution.
I've searched high and low for those files.
The boy searched every box for his toy car. ?Do¢·-?′ò?oD×ó£aáòμ?μ?í?3μ
I volunteered to search for the missing child. ?ò×?è¥?°?òê§×ùμ?o¢×ó?£ Let us look for it.- ?òè¥?òòò?£
findêòμ?μ?òa£?μ÷?á1£ find “?òμ?á?”£?±í′°?òóDáá1?£?
I find my book in the desk?£ ?ò·¢?òμ?êé?ú×àà£
find outê?2é3?μ?òa£?μ÷μ£áíía find out ?÷òa“2é?÷ò?ê?êμ?à£ò3?2?èYò×±?·¢μ÷”?£
Let's work in a team to find out the problem. èòo?×÷?ò3êìaμù?ú?£
They have find out what was wrong. ò-?÷°×ê2?′3?áêìa?£
We'll find out shortly! ?òoü?ì?í?aμàá?£?
I looked for my book here and there, finally I found it under my bed.
You can find out whether they are prepared to share the cost of the flowers with you
I need to find out who tried to frame me
In working with others, you find out more about yourself.
I want you to do everything you can to find out who's responsible.
I was relieved to find out that my problems were due to a genuine disorder
Find out how much your surveyor's and solicitor's fees will be.
With geological maps, books and atlases you can find out all the proven sites of preciousminerals.
I looked for my umbrella every, but I couldn't find it. ?òμ?′|?ò?òμ?óêé?£éêò2?×£
Have you found your key yet? ?òμ?òaê?áe£?
以上就是关于《findê?ê2?′òa??£¨find,find outμ???±e£?》的答疑相关内容,希望能够解决大家的疑惑,今天就介绍到这里了,如有更多疑问,请移步至百科答疑。